Weekly Announcements
1) PARKING LOT IS BACK OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Go ahead and park in the lot, but still wait to be called inside.
2)Check emails for programming notes and updates regarding tempo and directions/
2) For aches and pains, rehab, prehab and movement help reach out to Jess directly at jessn23@gmail.com
3) Make sure to join the Vickery Members Private Fb Group. Search "Vickery Athletics Member" and request to join.
A) Bench Press
1x5 Building Up
5x5 Working Sets
Tempo Bench
1x5 Building Up
5x5 Working Sets @31x1 (all heavy as possible w tempo)
B) Japanese Drop Set
Example RX Drop Set: 125-105-85-65-45
*Hands stay on bar the entire time
*If you remember last time getting over 100 reps then start heavier than you did.
C) 1 mile Run for Time
Scale: 100/90 cal AB*
*8min Cap
*Every Calorie missed = 5 burpees post workout
A) 3 Rounds
1min Jump Rope
30sec Primal Hold Shoulder Touches
30sec Down Dog
1min Bottom of Squat
B) Emom x 30min
Min 1: 30 DU
Min 2: 12/10 Cal AB or Row or Ski
Min 3: 15 KBS
A)E2mom x 20min
Min 0-2: 10-12 Lawn Mower Pulls
Min 2-4: 8-12 Kipping Pullups
B) Back Squat
1x5 Building Up
5x5 Working Sets
Tempo Back Squat
1x5 Building Up
5x5 Working Sets @31x1 (all heavy as possible w tempo)
4 Sets
A1) 15 Bent Over Reverse Fly w/ 1sec Pause at Top
A2) 12/side Kneeling SA Arnold Press
*Rest as needed between sets. No more than 60s
B) 25min Amrap
100m Overhead Carry
10 Lateral Raises
10 Medball Clean
50/50m Suticase Carries
3 Sets
A1) 8-10 Snatch Grip RDL
A2) 20 Anchored Situps
A3) 10 Barbell Curls @ 3111
*12min to complete - rest as needed
B) 3 sets
10 UB T2b
20 BW Reverse Lunge
C) 5x8 Building Deadlift
Tempo DL
10 @31x1
27min Amrap
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Airsquat
300m Run
Sunday Open Gym
11am -1pm
You still have to register for Open gym.