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8/3/2020 - 8/9/2020

Writer's picture: Zach MormanZach Morman

Weekly Announcements

1) New Members: If you have a friend who wants to try out a class and talk to Zach about joining the Vickery fam then please reach out to Zach directly or have them fill out the submission form on the website.

3) One on One Movement/Maintenance Treatment from Jess!

4) Make sure to join the Vickery Members Private Fb Group. Search "Vickery Athletics Member" and request to join.



A) Bench Press @31x1

1x10 Building/Warm Up

4x10 Working Sets


B) Japanese Drop Set - Incline Bench (2 reds)

Example RX Drop Set: 125-105-85-65-45

*Hands stay on bar the entire time


C) 2 Rounds

75 Double Unders

50 Star Jumps



A) 12min Amrap

100m DB Farmers Carry

10 Boxjumps


B) 12min Amrap

16 KBS

16 Primal Shoot Throughs


C) 12min Amrap

50sec Right Ride Plank

10s Swtich

50sec Left Side Plank

10s Switch

50sec Bows and Toes Plank

Rest as Needed



A) 5 Rounds

20 Hip Bridge on Bench

10 Cossack Squats (5 each side)

30sec Butterfly Stretch


B) Back Squat @31x1

4x10 Working Sets


C)Japanese Drop Set - Front Squat

At least 5 sets, ending on an empty Barbell.

*Hands stay on bar the entire time



A) 300m Overhead Carry

800m Job


B) 4x12 Strict Press @ 31X1



C) 300m Overhead Carry

10min Amrap Strict Pullups or Variation



A) 3 Rounds

12 Rollback to Reach

12/12 Single Leg Hip Bridge

20 Toes to Bar


B) 5x12 Seated Supinated DB Bicep Curl @31x1

Rest 60s or Switch w/ partner


C) 5x12 DeadLifts




2 Rounds For Time

12 Burpees

12 Thrusters (115/75)

12 Burpees

12 Hang Power Snatches

12 Burpees

12 Push Jerks

12 Burpees

12 Hang Power Cleans

550m Run


Sunday Open Gym

11am -1pm

You still have to register for Open gym.


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