Weekly Announcements
Email Update Sent Out 8/16
1) SIGN IN- Starting tomorrow (8/16) Online/App Sign up to class will cut off TEN MINUTES BEFORE CLASS STARTS.
2) SATURDAY CLASS TIMES- Class times on Saturday changed to 9:00am and 10:00am.
3) As of now Jess will no longer be doing movement work on people at Vickery on Sundays. We are super happy to announce she started a position at The Sports Pod (https://thesportspod.co/) as a Movement Specialist. Not to worry though, y'all can still see her for treatment, contact her directly for details at jessn23@gmail.com.
4) Make sure to join the Vickery Members Private Fb Group. Search "Vickery Athletics Member" and request to join.
A) Bench Press @31x1
2x6 Building Up
4x6 Working Sets (all heavy as possible w tempo)
B) 25 Reps* of this flow:⠀
Pushup + Right Shoulder Tap⠀
Pushup + Left Shoulder Tap⠀
Pushup + Right Leg Shoot Through
Pushup + Left Leg Shoot Through
*This is one Repetition
C) 1000m Row Time Trial
4min Male Cap
4:30 Femal Cap
A) 34min Amrap Alternating Rounds w/ a Partner
10 Weighted BoxStep Overs (singe side weighted)
10/side Db Snatch
10 Box Jump
4 Sets
A1) 6-10 Negatives
A2) 12 Inverted Barbell Rows in Rack
A3) 10 Cossack Sqauts
A4) 12 Jumping Airsquats
B) Back Squat @31x1
2x6 Building Up
4x6 Working Sets (all heavy as possible w tempo)
C) 3min/side Pigeon Stretch Cool Down
A) 10 sets total (5 sets each w a partner)
60sec Koji Overhead Hold
15sec Trans
B) 50/40 Cal AB (either beginning or end, not both)
400m Run
40 DB/Kb Push Press
400m Run
40 Mountain Climbers
400m Run
40 Burpees
400m Run
50/40 Cal AB (either beginning or end, not both)
A) 5x12 Reverse Fly @ 31x1
B) 60/side Side Plank Hip Taps
C) 60sec Top of Ring Row Hold
60s rest
D) 50 Weighted Anchor Sit Ups @ 31x1
E) 5x10 Supinated Bent Over Barbell Row @ 31x1
Remember Classes Changed to 9am and 10am!
Run around block
Power clean/DB power clean
Run around block
Sunday Open Gym
11am -1pm
You still have to register for Open gym.