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Writer's pictureZach Morman

8/10/2020 - 8/16/2020

Weekly Announcements

1) IMPORTANT: Remember unless you are getting changed out of office clothes. Do Not come in and hang out in lobby UNLESS a coach tells you to.

2) New Members: If you have a friend who wants to try out a class and talk to Zach about joining the Vickery fam then please reach out to Zach directly or have them fill out the submission form on the website.

3) One on One Movement/Maintenance Treatment from Jess!

4) Make sure to join the Vickery Members Private Fb Group. Search "Vickery Athletics Member" and request to join.



A) Bench Press @31x1

1x8 Building/Warm Up

5x8 Working Sets


B) 1 Round For TIme

30 Hang Power Clean

30 Burpee Over Bar

Cap 3:30


2 Rounds For TIme

15 Hang Power Clean

15 Burpee Over Bar

Cap 3:30


3 Rounds For TIme

10 Hang Power Clean

10 Burpee Over Bar

Cap 3:30



A) 7min Amrap Max Cals AB

30sec On @80%

30sec off @30%

B) 7min Amrap Max Cal Row

30sec On @80%

30sec off @30%

C) 7min Max Single Unders*

Every Break is 3 Burpees

D) 800m Run



A)12min Amrap

20 Alt Int/Ext Rotations

10 Scap Pullups

10 Medball Cleans

20 Alt Downdog Ankle Grabs


B) Back Squat @31x1

1x8 Building/Warm Up

5x8 Working Sets (coach's count)


C) For Quality

30-40 Negatives



A) Consistent Pace and Quality

200m DB/KB Farmers Carry

25 Push Ups

200m DB/KB Farmers Carry

25 Strict Press

200m DB/KB Farmers Carry

25 Push Press

200m Run

25 Push Ups

200m Run

25 Strict Press

200m Run

25 Push Press

200m Run



4 Sets

A1) 12 Hammer DB Curl


A2) 60sec Max Supinated Barbell Curl



B) 5x12 RDL @31x1



C) 10min Amrap

10 Bridge Walkouts

10 Toes to Bar



13min AMRAP w/ a Partner:

Alternating Rounds...

200m Run

10 Situps


13min AMRAP w/ a Partner:

Alternating Rounds...

8 Box Jumps

5 Burpees


Sunday Open Gym

11am -1pm

You still have to register for Open gym.


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