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6/8/2020 - 6/14/2020

Weekly Announcements

Weekly Updates

Programming: Moving into the second mini phase of this re-opening cycle. Class Size: Capped at 18 now. (We will let wait list ppl in on depending on the workout) Saturday Class Times: We are going to give 8:30/9:30/10:30am a go. Cleaning/Parking lot Waiting: Still the same New Potential Members: Text me individually to get friends in to try out a class and sign up!

Cant make a class/it is full? OR you are choosing to stay home?

We have put at home versions of each days workouts below the gym workout.




A) 4 Sets

12/10 Cal Ab

1min Rest


B) 4 Sets

250/225m Row

1min Rest


C)4 Sets

15 Burpees

Rest 1min

Cap for all is 1min

At Home Version

A) 8 Sets

200m Run


B)4 Sets

15 Burpees

Rest 1min

Cap for all is 1min




A) 5x8/side Deficit Reverse Lunges

*Not alternating, all 8 right then left.


B) 4 Rounds

10 Front Squats (155/115)

10 Hang Power Cleans (155/115)

30 DU> 30 JJ

*One bar w/ One wt.

*From Ground

Cap 13min

At Home Version

A) 5x12/side Reverse Lunges

*Not alternating, all 8 right then left.


B) 4 Rounds

20 Goblet Squats

10 Hang Power Cleans

30 DU> 30 JJ

Cap 13min




E2MOM 32 Min (16 Sets

Min 0-2: 10 UB Strict Press

12 KBS

Min 2-4: 20 Pushups

At Home Version

E2mom 32 Min (16 Sets

Min 0-2: 10 UB Push Press

12 KBS

Min 2-4: 20 Pushups




A) Group 1

5min Amrap

Toes to Ring > Suitcases

3min Rest and clean

Group 2

5min Amrap

Supinated Barbell Curls

3min Rest and clean

Group 3

5min Amrap

DB/KB Hammer Curls


B) 5x12 Seated Dumbell Tricep Ext @31x1


At Home Version


A) 5min Amrap


3min Rest

Group 2

5min Amrap

Supinated Curls

3min Rest and clean

Group 3

5min Amrap

Hammer Or Pronated Curls


B) 5x12 Seated Dumbell Tricep Ext @31x1





A) Emom x 10min

Min 1: Strict Pullups > 2-3 Negatives > Ring Rows

Mini 2: Kipping Pullups > Kips


B) 10min Snatch Tech


C) Emom x 20min

Advance: 1 Snatch Building in Weight

*5lb builds only

Intermediate/Beginner: 1 Snatch/Power Snatch Every 30sec for 20min

*Build in weight as needed

At Home Version

A) Emom x 10min

Any Variation Row

*Steady number across all minutes


B) With broom/PVC/Empty Light Bbell

1 Full snatch every 10sec for 20min



CLASS TIME CHANGE AGAIN! (Hopefully the last)





E3MOM x 30min

Min 0-3: 30 UB Wallballs > Db Thrusters > Air Squat

Min 3-6: 400m Run

At Home Version

Same as in class. Find a wallball/thruster variation that you can go UB


Sunday Open Gym

11am -1pm

You still have to register for Open gym, but there will be a two hour window you register for.

You can come in any time between 11-1pm if you are registered.

Capped at 28 ppl.

(So basically just like it use to be but you have to sign up)

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