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3/20/2022 - 3/27/2022

Writer's picture: Zach MormanZach Morman

Weekly Announcements

1) REMINDER Regular Cubby Cleanouts!

EVERY Saturday Evening ALL the Cubbies will be cleaned out upfront and items will be donated.

Vickery will not responsible for items left and donated.

2) New Programming Cycle: Quick Video Walkthrough Below

Incase you missed it last Week: 10 Week Cycle: March 14th-May20th



A) 2 Rounds as a Group

1min of Wtd Wallsit

1min of Plank

1min of Walking Spiderman Lunges

30sec of Scap Pullups

30sec Bottom of Active Squat


Every 6min for 30min (5 sets)

B1) 10/leg Front Foot Elevated DB Split Sqaut @ 3011

B2) 10 KB Gorilla Row to Power Clean to Front Sqaut

B3) 15/side Deficit Calf Raise @2111


C) EMOM x 10min*

Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups

*Goal is to hold a consistent number across all minutes. Most like you did not progress from last week. Think of last week as a gauge for this week to really push it.

*Go for quality not quantity



A) Emom x 10min

Min 1: 15 LM RDL

Min 2: 10/side 1/2 Kneel Filly Press


B) EMOM x 10min

Min 1: 15 RKBS

Min 2: 10-20 Push Ups (fall off ok)


C) 20min AMRAP

10 Tall Kneeling Strict Press (95/65)

15 Deadlift (95/65)

400m Run



A) 6min EMOM

Min 1: 10 Scap Pullup

10 Kips

Min 2: Up to Down Dogs


B) 20min AMRAP w/ a Partner

250m/225m Row Repeats

*Reset Rower Screen Each Time

*1 min Cap per row


C) 15min AMRAP

30 DU

30 Russian Twists

20 Medball Throws



A) E2MOM x 40min

MIn 0-2: 6 of the following Complex

1 Burpee to 2 Primal Shoot Throughs

Plate Pinch Hold in Time Remaining

Min 2-4: 5/5 Mix Grip Pullups > 2/2 Negative Mix Grip > 6/6 Barbell Mix Grip Pullup

10-12 Standing OH Tricep Ext



A) Every 3min for 15min (5 sets)

6/side LM Thrusters

15/leg Foot Elevated Single Leg Hip Bridge


Every 5min for 25min (5 Sets)

B1) 8-10/side Land Mine Hack Squats @ 31x1

B2) 6-8 Tough Standing Object Jump Overs (can increase in difficulty)



A) 10min AMRAP

10 Burpees

200m Run


B) 10min AMRAP

15 Supinated Body Rows

50 Double unders > 50 JJ


C) 10min AMRAP

12/10 Cal Row on 10/9 Damper

12 Alternating "X" Suitcases



This Sunday March 27th: Arm Day w/ Stefan

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

April 3rd: Movement Therapy with Jess (Shoulders and neck)

April 10th: Skills with Stefan (Kipping and Toes 2 Bar)

April 17th: Arms with Zach

April 24th: Stretching and Mobility with Stefan

May 1: Aerobic Conditioning with Brie


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