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2/7/2022 - 2/13/2022

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

Weekly Announcements

1) Vickery Athletics 2022 Intramural Open: Hogwarts Edition.

The website is now LIVE with Intramural Registration.

Registration DEADLINE IS MONDAY FEB 14th!

Which Hogwarts House will you be sorted into?


Monday night we will have EVERYTHING in the cubbies laid out on tables/floor up front. Please take home what is yours. We will donate EVERYTHING this Friday.

The cubbies are not for permanent storage of items.



A) 11min AMRAP

120/100m Row

30sec/side KB Fr Rack/DB Oh Hold

20sec/side 1 arm Plank Hold

40sec Accum Bar Hang (Any Grip)


B) 12min AMRAP

8/side KB Turkish Sit Ups

16 KBS


C)13min AMRAP

8/side KB Power Clean

8/side KB Push Press

9/side KB Side Crunch



A) EMOM x12min

Min 1: 30sec of Jumping Lunges

Min 2: 40sec of Wall Squats

Min 3: 50sec of Plank Side to Side Tap


B)In 15min Perform following sets of Back Squat

2-3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building Back Squat

3x10 Working Back Squat *

Resting ~2min between working sets

*ALOT of people might be getting stuck now at a weight. DO NOT adjust your weight down to hit 3x10... This means your 3 workings sets could look like this 1 set of 10, 1 set 8 (fail), 1 set of 6 (fail). Therefore you will stay at the same weight for the next week.

**DO NOT adjust your weight to get your 3x10. If you don't make its that is ok, you just stay at the same weight.


C) Every 3:30 for 5 Sets (17m30s)

10 Front Sq (185/135)

20 Push Ups

30 DU



A) 25min AMRAP

25 Standing Barbell Curls

30 Total KB Tripod Rows (sets of 10)

40 Total SA HG DB Skull Crusher (sets of 10)

50 Plate RDLS


B) Group of 3

3 Rounds Each (9 Total)

Every 2min for 18min

20 Plate Ground to OH (45/25)

23/19 Cal Row

*1 person does one whole round at a time, other two resting



A) EMOM x 35min (5 rounds)

Min 1: 100m Run

Min 2: 15 T2b > T2R > 20 KR

Min 3: 10 Burpee Over Bench

Min 4: 15/12 Cal AB

Min 5: 20 Situps

Min 6: 50 DU > JJ

Min 7: REST



A) EMOM x 9min

Min 1: 18 Seated Db Arnold Rotations

Min 2: 10 Supinated Barbell Strict Press

MIn 3: 30sec Cross Hold


B) In 15min Perform following sets of Push Press

2 to 3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building

3x10 Working Push Press *


*ALOT of people might be getting stuck now at a weight. DO NOT adjust your weight down to hit 3x10... This means your 3 workings sets could look like this 1 set of 10, 1 set 8 (fail), 1 set of 6 (fail). Therefore you will stay at the same weight for the next week.

**DO NOT adjust your weight to get your 3x10. If you don't make its that is ok, you just stay at the same weight.


C) EMOM x 20min

Building to Technically Perfect High Hang Full Snatch



A) AMRAP 35min

200m Run

60 Wallballs

200m Run

100 Bicycle Crunches

200m Run

60 Push Ups

200m Run

40 Goblet Hold Box Step Ups

200m Run

30 Box or Bench Dips

200m Run

20 Strict Pullups



Feb 13th: Arms w/ Zach

Upcoming Sundays

Feb 20th: Movement Therapy (Low Back) w/ Jess

Feb 27th: Conditioning w/ Lara


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