Weekly Announcements
1) Vickery Holiday Party Saturday December 11th
4:30pm @ San Martin (Food and Drink provided Post San Martin (630pm) Mayers Garden
RSVP Below Please https://fb.me/e/1L2oXNPvI
2) Spence Christmas Angel Tree Info (Again)
- If you have a size question or other question please text me.
3) Reminder NEW CLASS TIME
Mon, Wed, and Fri we will have a 7:45am Class Time
**Friday 6:30pm classes are cancelled moving forward
Reminder: We now have a 7:45am class Mon/Wed/Fri
A) 4 Sets
20 Suitcases > Straight leg sit ups
60sec UB Plank
B1) 5 Sets in 20min
8-10 Bench Press @2010
Immedaitely into...
15-20 Amrap DB Incline Fly
Rest 90-120s
C) 6 Sets w/ a partner*
2:30min Max Row for Meters
*3 sets each
For Time Splitting Reps Evenly
30 Snatches* (155/105)
*DB Scale
60 Db DL
60 Squats
60 Db Push Press
20 Rounds
10 Pullups > Jumping C2B
100m run
30 Front Squats (155/105)
Cap 25min
Reminder: We now have a 7:45am class Mon/Wed/Fri
A) 5 Sets in 14min
100m Front Rack KB Carry
4 Sets in 14min
B1) 12-15 OH Tricep Extensions
B2) 8-10/side Heavy Chainsaw Row
C) 5 sets
1min on 2min off
135/95 Barbell Hold
10 Sets w/ a Partner*
12 Light Devil Press
25/20 Cal Row or AB
*Each partner does an entire round at one time
*5 rounds each
Reminder: We now have a 7:45am class Mon/Wed/Fri
A) 4x12 @3010
Barbell RDL
B)4x12 @3010
Seated Supinated DB Curl
C) 3x 20 Tall to Low Planks
D) 4x12
Standing Curl Bar Preacher Curl
E) With a Partner for Time
Abmat Situps
A) Strict Press
5 working sets of 3 Reps
B) 5x10 Heavy Barbell Hip Bridge on Bench*
*1 Sec hold at the top
C) 5 Rounds for time:
50 Air squats
400m Run
Sunday Specialty Class
Dec 12th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess (Shoulders)
Upcoming Sundays
Dec 19th: Arm Day w/ Zach
Dec 26th: Cancelled for Xmas Holiday