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Writer's pictureZach Morman

11/9/2020 - 11/15/2020

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

Weekly Announcements

1) Gym Build Out (11/8 Update)

We should have vanities in the bathrooms this week and be finishing up everything internal. After that... the only thing that will take a bit is lights and signage out front and of course getting the 24/7 Open Gym system up running. More to come on that.

2) Getting the most out of this programming.

We are approaching the final 3 weeks of this program. Some people are thriving and others are just surviving, or more the less idling... Yes, see these sets and tempos are long and tough. But as long as you aren't working around something (tech or tweak) you should be pushing the weights EACH SET. Then keeping to the rests like they are scraped in stone and sent from the heavens. When we have conditioning, listen to the coach about how that day is suppose to feel and attack it.

Just like most things, this will only work as well as you want it to. Results will reflect discipline in this program cycle more than most.

3) Presale for crewneck and long sleeves coming soon.

Figuring out best crewneck blank option and it will go live.



Every 3:30 x 4 sets

10/leg Back Rack Split Squat @2110*

*Rear foot on 4-6inches of plates

10-12 Strict Pullup with Pause at Top


4 Sets

B1) 10 Front Squats @ 31X0


B2) 10/arm Chainsaw Row @2111



C) 3 Sets

4 Min Clock

400m Run

-in time left over complete as many rounds as

you can of the following

2 KB Split Clean Rt (53/35l)

2 KB SA FR Forward Lunge Rt

2 KB SA Thruster Rt

2 KB Split Clean Lft

2 KB SA FR Forward Lunge Lft

2 KB SiA Thruster Lft

R2mins after each set



4 Sets

A1) 10 Supinated Grip RDL @3110


A2) 8-10 Barbell Z Press @3021



4 Sets

B1) 8/Leg Slit Stance RDL @3110


B2) 8-10/arm Seated Alternating Arnold Press @2111



C) 3min Amrap

8 Burpees

10 T2R


3min Amrap

10 Jumping Air Squats

10 Pushups


D) Extra Work in 10min Cap

20 Alternating Heavy TGU (70/53)



4 Sets

A1) 10-12 Incline (2 reds) Close Grip Bench Press @31X0


A2) 16 Alternating Bent Over Top Down Row @2010



4 Sets

B1) 8/arm Rollout Pushups


B2) 8-10 UB Lean Away Pullups @30X0



C) 4 Sets

20sec/side Adduction Bias Side Plank

Max Effort Continuous Movement Kipping Pullups



4 Sets

A1) 10-12 Frog Stance Deadlifts @31X1


A2) 10/leg Kb Front Rack Deficit Split Squat @2110


A3) 16-20 Reps Goblet Cossack Sqauts



B) E2MOM x 16min

Min 0-2: 12/10 Cal Row or AB

6 Burpees

6 Demon Press

Min 2-4: 12 Thruster (95/65)

10 Box Jump Step Down



4 Sets

A1) 8-10/arm Farmer Press @20X1


A2) 60sec of Controlled Low to Tall Planks*

*stop and hold tall plank if you feel as if you ar going to break


A3) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls @30X1



B) 3 Sets a Tough Effort

100m Run

4/4 Single Arm Renegade Rows

30 Double Unders > 100m Run

7 Single Arm DB Hang PC and Jerk Left

30 DU > 100m Run

7 Single Arm DB Hang PC and Jerk Right

100m Run



C) Extra Work in 10min Cap

3 Sets

20sec Tuck Hold on Rings

20 Barbell Bicep Curls

20 DB OH Tricep Ext



For Time

12 Wall walks

800m Run

120 Abmat Situps

800m Run

12 Wall Walks



Pre Registered Open Gym Slots

11am and 12pm


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