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1/10/2022 - 1/16/2022

Weekly Announcements

1) New Programming Cycle: 1/10/20222 - 3/5/2022

- 8 minute Program cycle Explanation Video and 7 Week Program Skeleton

2) The LifeStyle Plan starts Jan 10th

-32 of our members are officially beginning the year off with big lifestyle and nutrition changes. They are on a 60 days journey that now over 100 people (at least in the US) have taken over the past year between group sessions and individuals outside of Vickery.

-In 2021 the participants of The LifeStyle plan have lost a combined 878 pounds of bodyfat. Not ALL weight, but JUST bodyfat weight.

-Make sure to encourage current participants, specially if you have already don't The LifeStyle Plan (successfully)

3) VA Tiger Hoodies (PreOrdered)

-Will be in by Friday and laid out and labeled for y'all to take.

-Your account will be charged if you preordered one when they get in.



A) EMOM x 9min

Min 1: 10/side Crab Bridge Reach Overs

Min 2: 30sec of Scapula Pullups

Min 3: 40sec of Db/Kb Seesaw Press


B) EMOM x 20min

Min 1: 1-3 Wall Walks

Min 2: 10 Strict Pullups > 5-7 Strict Pullups > 3 Negatives > 30sec of Babell Chest to Bar


C) 10min AMRAP

50 RKBS (70/53)

20 Push Ups > Incline Hands



A) In 17min Perform following sets of Back Squat

2-3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building Back Squat

3x10 Working Back Sqaut *

Resting ~2min between working sets


**This first week: Try to find a working weight that you can get 10 reps successfully for all 3 working sets.

***Weight Progression Explanation: The goal of this is each week to achieve 3 sets of 10 reps of heavy back squat w/out big pauses in your sets. If you can do that, then you get to go up 5-7% for the next week. If adding that weight makes it too hard to do 3 sets of 10 quality reps. Then stay at that weight again for the following week. As soon as you can get 3 sets of 10 Back Squats at your new weight, then you will once again add 5-7% and repeat the process every Tuesday for 7 weeks.

If you miss week, then pick back up where you left off.

DO NOT add weight without achieving that weeks weight for 3sets of 10reps. Which means some weeks you might be stuck on something like this 1 set of 10, 1 set of 9, 1 set of 7 for your working sets.... this means you do not add weight for the next week.

SCALING: If you are like me a heavy ten of back squats is not in the books. You NEED to be able to go heavy to make this work. Otherwise it is silly. Scaling could be for many reasons, check with a coach if you have questions if you scale.

In almost every case the Bulgarian Split Squat done with 3x8/leg with a back racked bbell is the best possible scale to build muscle, rehab imbalances, and to work on range of motion.

B) 26min Amrap w/ a Partner

*Split reps evenly

20 Suitcases

40 Burpees

20 Suitcases

60 Airsquat

40 Burpeee

20 Suitcases

80 Box Jump Step Down

60 Airsquat

40 Burpeee

20 Suitcases

100 Calorie Row

80 Box Jump Step Down

60 Airsquat

40 Burpeee

20 Suitcases



A) 4 Rounds for Quality in 12min

14 Supinated Standing Curls

10/side Side Bridge Hip Taps


B) 4 Rounds for Quality in 12min

12 Superman to Prisoner (weighted if possible)

12-15 Bodyweight Tricep Extensions


C) Every 4min x 6 sets (24min)

18/14 Cal AB @95% Effort (60sec cap)

Immediately into...

20 UB Star Jumps



A) 20min AMRAP Single Unders

Every 4min Stop and Perform...

10/leg Russian Box Step Ups

10/side Deficit Calf Raise

10 Total Primal Shoot Throughs


B) 25min AMRAP

400m Run

100 Single Unders

30 Primal Hold Shoulder Taps

100 Single Unders

450/400m Row



A) In 15min Perform following sets of Push Press

2 to 3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building

3x10 Working Push Press *

Resting ~2min between working sets


*Same exact directions as back squat on Tuesday

SCALING: Bbell Strict Press then to DB Strict Press


B) 8-10min Hang Full Clean Tech


C) EMOM x 20min

Build to Challenging Hang Full Clean + Front Squat



A) EMOM x 35min

Min 1: 12 Push Ups

Min 2: 40 DU > JJ

Min 3: 15 Slamballs

Min 4: 100m Run

Min 5: 45sec Bottom of a Squat



Jan 16th - Arms w/ Stefan

Upcoming Sundays

Jan 23rd - Snatch Lifting Day w/ Wes

Jan 30th - Conditioning w/ Lara


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